How To Install And Root XXLP2 ICS Firmware On SGS2

Posted by Sibyl A.S. ♡ On Sunday, January 15, 2012 1 comment
I just posted a review of XXLP2 for bugs and features. Here I'm going to teach you how to install it on your phone. Before you do, there are a few things I need to clarify.

  1. XXLP2 is a leaked OFFICIAL ICS firmware for SGS2. Even if you flash it via ODIN, your flash counter will not increase and your warranty will not be void.
  2. You need ODIN and Samsung USB Drivers installed in your computer before flashing XXLP2. I use ODIN v1.85.
  3. Because XXLP2 is official firmware, it has the fugly TouchWiz on it. If you don't like TouchWiz, I suggest you download the alpha version of CM9 for SGS2 instead. Codeworkx released it last December 2011.
  4. XXLP2 is still on beta phase which means that it's stable enough for live testing but still has a few bugs.
  5. Make sure that you do a Nandroid backup of your current ROM so you can revert back to it after getting bored with XXLP2. Install the CF Root below (with instructions) so you can easily restore previous ROMs. Be warned: this will void your warranty.
  6. If you didn't understand anything from what I said, Google it or don't install XXLP2 or any ROM on your phone for that matter. One wrong move and you can brick your precious SGS2.
  1. First, download XXLP2 here.
  2. After downloading, extract the files. Password is
  3. Launch ODIN on your computer and copy the following files accordingly.
    1. PIT -  u1_02_20110310_emmc_EXT4.pit
    2. PDA -  I9100_CODE_I9100XXLP2_CL57619_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5
    3. Phone -  MODEM_I9100XXLP1_REV_02_CL1095381.tar.md5
    4. CSC -  GT-I9100-MULTI-CSC-OXALP2.tar.md5
  4. Connect your phone to the computer and wait for ODIN to say "Added!". Once that happens, click 'START'. Do not press anything else through ODIN.
  5. Once XXLP2 is installed on your phone, it will restart and you can now use it and taste all the Ice Cream Sandwich goodness that comes with it!

[Still thinking twice about rooting your device? Here are its advantages and disadvantages]
  1. First, download Chainfire's CF Root for XXLP2. Don't forget to donate!
  2. Extract zip file and you should see this: CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_LP2-v5.2-CWM5.tar
  3. Launch ODIN on your computer and place the extracted .tar file on PDA.
  4. Connect your phone to the computer and once it's been detected by ODIN, click 'START' and wait for your phone to reboot.
  5. Now, you have a rooted XXLP2!
I recently posted an article about this problem I encountered after rooting XXLP2 with CF root. Let me know if you bump in to the same problem!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much!everything works just perfect


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